Connected Kingston in numbers
66 organisations and 181 activities listed
87 Connected Kingston champions from 30 local organisations
Follow this link to add your activities and services to Connected Kingston
Training a wide-range of Connected Kingston Champions
To support people to use the referral tool, we are also training Connected Kingston Champions to lead empowered signposting with residents. We train our champions to have a different conversation with people and to show them how to use the site to get local information and support.
Connected Kingston Champions are people working in Kingston, who have direct contact with residents, particularly in helping support their health and well-being. Naturally this includes areas of life that have an impact on people’s health such as employment, education and learning, finance and, housing.
So, if you employ staff or support volunteers, who would be interested in learning how to use the Connected Kingston tool to help people lead healthier, happier lives, book them on the Connected Kingston Champions programme.
The training is free, lasts 2 and a half hours, and we will provide you with regular updates and networking opportunities to connect with local organisations working in health and social care.
Follow this link to KVA's online booking or alternatively contact Kingston Voluntary Action to book.
Tel: 020 8255 3335