KVA identify, develop and maintain projects that address inequalities in health and aim to improve the wellbeing of our communities through our programmes.

Mainly funded by South West London NHS and Royal Borough Kingston (RBK), we deliver a number of initiatives such as a community health programme, Good Food Group, Eco-op and a Buddy Scheme, as well as our social prescribing platform – Connected Kingston. 

KVA provides advice, support and a number of programmes and initiatives for communities and residents to help improve their health and wellbeing.

Making nutritious food accessible and affordable for everyone in Kingston.

Befriending for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism to take part in leisure activities

Find services in Kingston and beyond that can help you stay happy, healthy and connected to each other.

Kingston Eco-op

Kingston Eco-op

Kingston Eco-op is a community project that offers physical and wellbeing activities for adults with additional needs.

Our activities provide opportunities for learning: developing life skills, raising self-esteem and confidence by being part of our small community.

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