Kingston Voluntary Action works in partnership with Volunteering Kingston to help you find volunteers for your organisation. They work with voluntary and community organisations in the public, private and civil society sectors.

Here is how they can help you:

  • Helping you to recruit and manage volunteers
  • Helping you develop and promote your volunteering opportunities using our external opportunities platform (Team Kinetic)
  • Helping you to design, implement and manage your volunteering programme
  • Offering advice, support, and training on policies and procedures, recruitment, retention, managing and supporting volunteers, volunteer management, and many more resources, templates and forms
  • Training courses or bespoke in-house training
  • Advising a referral pathway for volunteers who are surplus to your needs
What can volunteers bring to your organisation?

Volunteers are a valuable resource, and each volunteer has a unique contribution to make.

Skills and experiences
Looking for someone with a particular skill? Each volunteer has a different background with diverse and lived experiences that can benefit your organisation.

Fresh ideas
Volunteers who are new to your organisation can bring a fresh perspective to your business.

Volunteers can offer one-off, occasional or seasonal help or a regular commitment. Each volunteer has a unique contribution to make.

If you’re an organisation wanting to recruit, support and manage volunteers, the team at Volunteering Kingston are here to help; please get in touch via  They also offer a range of Volunteering Resources for Organisations.

Volunteering Kingston