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Meet the Funders - A face to face event

Wednesday 02 April 2025
13:00 to 16:00

We are thrilled to invite you to the “Meet the Funders” event, organised by Kingston Voluntary Action. This event is a fantastic opportunity for local community groups to connect with funders and learn about available funding opportunities. You will also receive valuable tips on creating successful funding applications.

What to Expect at Meet the Funders

Opportunities to:

  • Learn about current funding programmes
  • Discover a range of support available for your organisation through our partners
  • Find out how KVA staff can assist you in identifying funding opportunities, structuring applications, and providing other support your organisation may need

The event will begin with presentations from 3 funders: Groundwork, Sported, and the Royal Borough of Kingston Council, along with The Ethical Property Foundation, which offers free property advice for charities and Competitive Solutions, which is a charity fundraising specialist.


Network and engage with a variety of charities that offer support, including:

  • Volunteering Kingston
  • Plinth
  • Kingston Giving - formerly Kingston Charitable Foundation
  • Ethical Property Foundation
  • GroundWork
  • Sported England
  • RBK


Participate in two insightful workshops:

  1. Why Do Funding Applications Fail? (John Mikucki - KVA)
  1. Finding Data to Evidence Needs to Support Funding Applications (Kate White – Superhighways/KVA)

Meet the Funder Agenda:

12:30 - 13:00 Registration opens  
13:00 - 13:05 Opening Remarks 
13:05 - 13:25 Groundwork 
13:25 - 13:45 Sported UK 
13:45 - 14:05 Kingston Council 
14:05 - 14:25 The Ethical Property Foundation  
14:25 - 14:45 Competitive Solutions 
14:45 - 15:15 Marketplace  
15:15 - 16:00 Room Splits into: 

Workshop 1 - Why do Funding Applications Fail (John Mikucki - KVA)

Workshop 2 - Finding data to evidence needs to support your application (Kate White - Superhighways)

16:00 Closing Remarks

Book Tickets

161A Clarence St,
Kingston upon Thames
(view map)
Cost Free to organisations based in Kingston upon Thames