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Strengthening your Mission and Vision

Thursday 16 January 2025
13:15 to 16:30

Seeking funding in a tough funding environment? Wondering whether it is better to pivot towards the nearest available funding source or stay routed to your core vision?

This workshop will help participants understand and (re)focus on their purpose and help them understand how by developing and sticking to a core mission, vision and values they can carve out a niche for themselves more readily understood by funders and create even greater impact for their beneficiaries.



  • Understand key elements of organisational purpose and how they shape goals & mission
  • Participants will learn how to recognise whether their organisation is at risk of organisational drift and take steps to avoid
  • Participants will better understand some of the key elements of developing & growing their organisation in a coherent way
  • Participants will better understand what values are and how these link to their USP and the approach they take to fundraising.
  • Participants will be better able to understand the suitability of their legal structure to achieve their mission and fulfil their organisational growth objectives.


This is part of the Thriving in a Tough Environment Programme run in partnership with Orange Consultancy.

Book tickets

Canbury Business Park, Canbury Park Road
Kingston upon Thames
(view map)
Cost Free