Our 2025-2028 Strategy

Our 2025-2028 Strategy

We are proud to present to you our 2025-2028 Strategy; Stronger Organisations, Healthier Communities. 

Setting out our five main aims and the objectives linked to these, we hope that you will want to join us on the journey. 

Read more here.


Kingston Voluntary Action is an infrastructure organisation that provides a wide range of support to the voluntary sector. We support local charities and community groups at all stages of their development. 

Our Vision:

Communities and people that KVA works with are empowered to drive social change towards a fairer, more inclusive, healthier and happier society. 

Our Mission:

Meeting the needs of community organisations and individuals by equipping them with relevant tools, skills, knowledge, confidence and voice to drive positive change. 

Our Values:

We are Collaborative, Resilient and Creative.

Our Strategy: 

2025-2028: Stronger Organisations, Healthier Communities

PDF version

Our Role:

KVA is part of a national network of over 250 local infrastructure bodies, known as Councils for Voluntary Service (CVS).  

We believe that infrastructure has a crucial role in helping to build strong, connected communities.  

We see infrastructure as based on three complementary and intertwined strands: capacity building, connecting and representation. 


Charity number: 1160403