Message from RBK:


Over the summer the Council have been working with the sector to codesign outcomes and requirements for our future commissioned services. 

The Council have taken into account the findings of the Seizing the Moment engagement, Kingston’s transformational Maximising Independence programme, Kingston Sustainable Communities transformation programme, the local Health and Care Plan 2022-2024, and other key strategic documents.

Referenced in the People Committee report, Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector Commissioning 2023, commissioning activity will now take place in three phases, the first of which will take place between now and April 2023. Phase two begins in February, completing in October 2023 and phase three will begin at a date to be confirmed.


Please see the appendix for further details.

The Council wishes to support voluntary and community organisations through this procurement process and has arranged a virtual procurement events to cover basic procurement elements such as:

● How to submit a tender for a theme and sub-theme
● How to write an effective method statement
● How to use the London Tenders Portal
● What documents should you complete at the different stages of the procurement
● Understanding service specification requirements, contract terms & conditions
and insurance level requirements
● Evaluation criteria and scoring

The events will provide a step-by-step guide to the process and will be held virtually on Thursday 20th October 10.00 - 11.30am and Wednesday 26 October 2.00 - 3.30pm.

Each session will cover the same material so please choose the most convenient date.

The Council will also endeavour to make a recording of the sessions available afterwards alongside a summary of any questions asked and the responses. All VCSE organisations are welcome to attend, even if an organisation does not intend to submit a tender under phase one. Although the virtual events will cover some details specific to the phase one contracts, much of the information will be generic RBK's procurement process and may be useful if your organisation is interested in tendering for other RBK contracts.


Please complete the attendance form in order to RSVP for the procurement events. A link to the virtual events will be sent to VCSE organisations on 19th October 2022.

If you have any further questions or comments please email