Message from RBK 19 December 2022:
Kingston Council has recently been reviewing our Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) policy and examining how to further improve our service offer.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we adapted quickly during uncertain and challenging times and learned how technology and other interventions can help us deliver quality preventative services, as well as boosting ways of supporting our residents to live independently.
We have recently published a draft policy, which outlines how we feel grants can be best distributed.
The DFG, also known as the council’s Private Housing Assistance and Adaptation Policy, can fund or contribute to the cost of adapting residents’ homes. The main changes are highlighted in this summary document.
We want to know what you think of the changes that have been made.
This survey, which you can find by visiting, is open to all Kingston residents or family members supporting a loved one requiring adaptations, social workers, support workers, clinical practitioners on behalf of patients returning home.
We would be very grateful if you could spare a few moments to have your say.
This survey will close on 26 February 2023.
If you require any of the documents in a more accessible format, please contact or call 020 8547 5000.