Our Health and Wellbeing network gives you a voice in health and social care strategy development and ensures that you're informed about local health and social care policy.

We work with local charities, community groups, statutory organisations and government to influence how health and social care services are delivered by the voluntary sector in Kingston.

2021 Meetings

We meet three times a year giving local VCSE groups the opportunity to come together and discuss issues relating to health and social care in local communities. We usually cover a specific topic and then share news from your own organisation and offer you a chance to network and build partnerships.


July - Health infrastructure/ Linking into social prescribing

November - Reaching new audiences 

Sign up to the group and our health and care newsletter.


Previous Meetings

22 April 2021 (Focus topic BAME health inequalities)

How do we counterbalance mistrust, alienation and stigmatisation in ethnically diverse communities?

Dr. Tushna Vandrevala, Kingston University London


Ensuring digital access to reduce health inequalities

Isik Oguzertem, Refugee Action Kingston


Ensuring our community engagement reflects our community

Stephen Bitti, Healthwatch Kingston

Tackling Obesity & Health Inequalities among BAME groups

Dr Jabeen Shah, Kingston council


Kingston Digital Health Hub

Philippa Leary, Superhighways


28 January 2021 (Focus on loneliness)


10 November 2020 


17 September 2020

1 July 2020: Minutes

11 December 2019: Minutes


Health and Wellbeing Conferences 

Conference Report 2020

KVA Health Conference 2019